danabol for sale

Danabol – how to take and where to buy?

History, action and methods of reception

Danabol is a type of anabolic oral steroid. It helps athletes gain muscle mass and reduce body fat. Also, the use of danabol will energize and improve well-being.

How did Danabol come about?

In 1956, this drug was called Dianabol. In 1960, it became popular among light athletes as it makes athletes more enduring and helps the body recover quickly from hard workouts.

In bodybuilding, Danabol was the leading drug until the 70s. He made his way to big sport thanks to John Ziegler.

Since 1972, this product has been called Danabol and the sale has been launched under a new brand.

Action on the body:

  • – If you use this remedy with other steroids, the effect will be much better – from 10 kg of muscle mass, thanks to the anabolism caused by the drug.
  • – Good appetite. By improving metabolism, appetite will increase, which will positively affect the growth of muscle tissue.
  • – Increased endurance and strength. Working weights will noticeably increase in a month by 50-90%. Sports performance will improve.
  • – Rapid recovery of glycogen.
  • – Decreased cortisol levels.
  • – Stopping the breakdown of proteins in the body.
  • – Bones will get stronger, joint pains will go away when doing strength training.
  • – Improved mood and self-esteem due to increased dopamine.

Recommendations for use:It is recommended to take Danabol for 6 weeks. Before the course of use, it is better to consult with your doctor to find out your exact and individual dosage and diet. The first 7 days you need to take 20 mg. Further, the dose can be increased to 30 mg. Experienced athletes are allowed to consume from 50 to 100 mg per day. It is better to drink a pill 30 minutes after the main meal. One tablet is 10 mg.

There are several schemes for using Danabol with other drugs:

1) Donabol and Proviron. At the same time, the interaction, the likelihood of loss of muscle volume after the course is greatly reduced. Such a course is designed for the use of Donabol for 5 weeks, in Proirion during 2, 3 and 4 weeks, one tablet each.

2) Danabol and Stanozolol. The course is suitable for beginners, which will help you quickly gain muscle mass from 6 kg per month and not add fat mass. For the first week, you need to take both 20 mg drugs every day, and then 30 mg.

Feeding during course time:

It is recommended to exclude fast food, sweet and starchy foods from the diet. It is better to give preference to high-calorie foods high in protein. You can take nutritional supplements or amino acids.

Possible side effects:

  • – Pimples or acne, which disappear immediately after the end of the drug intake.
  • – With an unbalanced and irregular intake, testosterone levels will become unstable, which will require the use of other drugs at the end of the course.
  • – Gaining excess weight is possible if you give up antiestrogens.
  • – Water retention in the body. During the course, it is possible to gain from 7 to 11 kg of mass, but after the course, the mass may decrease due to getting rid of water, if the correct sports nutrition is not observed during the course.

Training when using steroids.

In fact, steroid training is no different from regular bodybuilding workouts. There are only a few nuances:

  • – It is necessary to constantly, but gradually increase the weights or the number of repetitions and approaches when performing exercises.
  • – The training time should not exceed 45 minutes.
  • – It is better to shorten the rest time between sets, and increase the number of repetitions.
  • – The number of workouts per week can be increased to 5, as the anabolic will improve muscle recovery processes.

Danabol for sale is suitable for both beginners who have decided to go in for bodybuilding professionally and for experienced athletes in need of rapid muscle gain. The drug is popular among many popular athletes, bodybuilders and amateurs.